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Russian electronic visa


We would like to announce that starting from August 1st, 2023 Russian Federation relaunches a unified electronic visa.


From August 1st foreign nationals, planning to visit and stay in the Russian Federation on a guest or business visit, as a tourist, as well as to participate in scientific, cultural, socio-political, economic, sports events and make relevant connections and contacts. The visa will be valid for 60 days as of its receipt, but the maximum duration of stay in Russia must not exceed 16 days starting from the date of arrival.


Taiwan residents can apply for E-visa through a special website (https://electronic-visa.kdmid.ru/) or mobile applicationThe application for a single electronic visa must be submitted no later than 4 calendar days before the expected date of entry into the Russian Federation. The application must be accompanied by a digital photo of the person and a scan of the data page of the foreign citizen's machine-readable passport. No other documents are required to obtain a single electronic visa.


Electronic visas are valid for entry into the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation by air, pedestrian, road and water transport only through checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, the list of which was approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2020. No. 2741-r (https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_366006/ ).


NB! The “paper” visas are still issued by the Russian consulates. If electronic visa does not suit your trip to Russia (for example, you need multiple entry or you have a different purpose of your trip), one can apply for a “paper one”. Information about them is also posted on our website (http://mtc.org.tw/new/en/consular/russian-ordinary-visa.php ).


Please, be advised that if you experience payment issues, please visit this website - https://support.gkd-global.com/ or send email to support service center using one of these emails -  support@gkd-global.com or evisa_info@kdmid.ru